5 tips for optimizing images for Google
A few simple tips that can make a huge difference in image search results
Images are an important part of any website, but they can cause problems if they are not properly optimized. Large images slow down your site and make it harder for users to download content; this is especially a problem on mobile devices where data access is often more limited. Many webmasters have found that optimizing the images on their site improves load time, leading to a better user experience and higher rankings in Google. In this article, we’ll show you how to optimize your images using different techniques so you can improve the speed of your website.
Optimize images by giving them the right size
When it comes to page speed, size matters. The larger the image, the longer it will take to load on your site and the more data you will need to download.
This also applies to image quality; small images lose detail and have jagged edges, while larger images look great at full resolution – and they’re faster, too!
The size of an image can have a big impact on how users see your website – so make sure you optimize them for both SEO and user experience!
Use the correct file format for images
The next step in optimizing an image is to make sure you have chosen the right file format. There are many different formats for images, but only a few are supported by Google. The best format for most applications is JPEG: it compresses well and preserves colors well. If you must use a different type of file, such as PNG or GIF, make sure you understand how they work so that your images are optimized correctly.
Make sure you have compressed the image before you upload it.
Once you have the file type, size, quality and format in mind, it’s time to use a compression tool.
The most commonly used compression tool is Adobe Photoshop. It is compatible with all image types, and can be used for any compression task on any file size or format.
Give your images a descriptive name in clear language
When you name your images, use words that describe the image and make it easy for people to find when they search. For example, “Door Handle” is good; “Door #3” or “Handle A” is not so good.
Create great alt texts for your images
It’s a good idea to add alt text to every image on your website. Not only does it make your site more accessible, but it can also help you rank better in Google’s search results.
Alt text is a text alternative to images, and it appears when a user hovers over or clicks on an image on a web page. It is used by screen readers so that people with visual impairments can understand the content of the web page being viewed.
The alt attribute of a -tag must be unique to each image and must describe what is in the photo or illustration that is not obvious from the file name alone (e.g., “My cat,” not “cat”). The shorter your description is, the better. It should be no longer than 150 characters maximum! If some keywords come up automatically when writing the description (e.g., “This photo shows…”), feel free to use them, but don’t overdo it: don’t use more than three per page!
Optimizing images for Google can be a great way to improve the user experience on your website and increase visibility in search results. The key is to find ways to make graphics more accessible and understandable to everyone, regardless of the device they use and whether they have a disability. And remember, even if you don’t use these tips today, there is always room for improvement tomorrow!
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